Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Mini-View Featuring Cory Udler

Cory J Udler is the writer/director of Incest Death Squad 1 and 2. He has also written films for grindhouse legend Ted V Mikels, including Demon Haunt and Astro Zombies M3:Cloned. Udler also works for Full Moon Features and has a long relationship with Troma president Lloyd Kaufman. Udler is currently penning a script he calls "personal" titled The Outlaw, and is currently seeking funding for his next film "Mediatrix" starring Debbie Rochon.

The Incest Death Squad Website can be found here.

1-If you could pick one film that inspired you to get into film making, what would it be and why?

I don't think any ONE film inspired me, actually. I think it was more an era of films, which would be the late 60's and 70's exploitation, grindhouse, drive in movies. Stuff from Ted V Mikels, Bill Rebane, Andy Milligan, HG Lewis, John Waters, etc. Jonathan Ross' "Incredibly Strange Film Show" completely changed my life. Every episode is on YouTube, so go find it and I think you'll easily see how that could warp an 11 year old's mind.

2-Has there ever been another career that you thought you might be interested in perusing: what would it be, what changed your mind, or is there still thought that it may happen at any time?

Well, considering this film stuff is so far from an actual career for me, I work in TV. Not my first choice as I hate TV. My dream, from childhood, was to be a radio DJ, and when I was 17 I made that come true. I spent about 12 years in radio before going back to school, and once I came out, radio was dead. And it's only getting more dead by the day. So, even though some day I would love to sustain myself with these films and by writing I can at least say I was able to do my dream job for 12 years.

3-Film and music have always been tied together. If you could pick one album by any band to be adapted as a film, what would it be?

That's a cool question! I would say Faith No More's Angel Dust album. Or Temple of the Dog. Maybe Shout at the Devil, that'd be pure filth!

4-Do you have a 'guilty pleasure' film? A movie that perhaps might be considered uncool, or might get a few laughs from others if they new you had a fond love of.

Half of my DVD collection is "guilty pleasure". Probably March of the Wooden Soldiers with Laurel and Hardy. Maybe the Police Academy series, or all 3 Smokey and the Bandit movies, and YES that includes part 3.

5-Finally. If you could remake any film in history (imagine that the budget is unlimited): what would it be, who would you cast, and who would direct?

I always said if I could remake something it would be something that wasn't awesome the first time around, so I'd pick Invasion of the Saucer Men, keeping the entire original script but upping the gore and sexuality factor to 11. I'd direct, dammit, and I would love to have Burt Reynolds, I've always wanted to meet that guy. The epitome of cool. Another one I'd like to take a stab at remaking would be "Gator" with him and Jerry Reed.

Many thanks to Cory for being a part of this new series!

- Brandon Bennett

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