Saturday, January 14, 2012

365 Days of Trailers Day 14

It Gets bad on Friday the 13th, but it gets worse on Saturday the 14th! 

That's right, it's Saturday the 14th.. day 14. So I bring you Howard R. Cohen's 1981 film Saturday the 14th!

Primarily a spoof of the Friday the 13th series, but also takes shots at several other horror films. After his family moves to a new house, a young boy discovers a mysterious book describing the curse hanging over the date of Saturday the 14th. Opening the book releases a band of monsters into the house, and the family must join together to save themselves and their neighborhood. - IMDB

The film was given a limited release theatrically in the United States by New World Pictures in October 1981. It was later released on VHS by Embassy Home Entertainment. The film was released on DVD by New Concorde Home Entertainment in 2001. This release is currently out of print.

Saturday the 14th was probably the first horror/comedy that I saw growing up, and I watched it again and again. Still do at least once a year. Growing up the bathtub scene, for those of you have seen it know what I am talking about, was the thing of wet dreams as a pre-teen. So many fond memories viewing this with my family laughing our asses off. Still holds up, in my eyes, to this day.


Howard R. Cohen IMDB Page:

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